Grief Support Group
A 13 week Bible based support group for anyone has ever suffered the loss of a loved one or friend. The classes begin in January or in August and are on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:45pm. You may attend anytime during the 13 week sessions. Contact the church office, (405) 547-2494 for any questions.
Loss of a Spouse: This is a one night GriefShare session for anyone who has experienced the loss of a spouse.
Grief Share will begin a new 13 week session on Wednesdays, in January at 6:00-7:45pm, in Room 101. A workbook will be provided.
Loss of a Spouse: This is a one night GriefShare session for anyone who has experienced the loss of a spouse.
Grief Share will begin a new 13 week session on Wednesdays, in January at 6:00-7:45pm, in Room 101. A workbook will be provided.
Joy Travelers
Senior Adults
Joy Travelers is our monthly senior adult luncheon, fellowship and a guest speaker. We meet the first Tuesday of each month, at noon, usually at First Baptist Church. Everyone is encouraged to bring a potluck food item. It's a great time of fellowship and visiting. If you have any questions, contact the church office.

Clothes Closet
Free Community Clothing Resource
The Clothes Closet is a clothing ministry that provides FREE clothing, shoes, kids items and various household items. The Clothes Closet is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 9:00 to Noon. Items may be dropped off at the clothes closet during the week. It is located on Hwy 33 across from McDonalds in Perkins.

Nicaragua Mission Team, West Monroe, and Perkins
We love to use our gifts and resources on mission opportunities. In May, a group of around 15 go to Nicaragua to do construction, medical, agriculture research and children's ministry. In July, a group of 39 teenagers and 9 adults go to West Monroe, LA and oversee a foster sibling summer camp. Throughout the year, our church ministers in our community through work days, meals, and disaster relief.